The resources below relate to parity law compliance, including non-quantitative treatment limitations ("NQTLs"):
2017 Six-Steps Parity Guide for NQTL Compliance – A detailed issue brief covering specific types of non-quantitative treatment limitations governed by the federal parity law and regulations, with detailed illustrations to assist issuers, regulators or others
2021 UPDATED ISSUE BRIEF: State Regulators' Use of Required Quantitative Data Templates to Assess NQTL Parity Compliance – An issue brief identifying a number of quantitative templates (MDRF as source) that several state regulators are requiring as they assess NQTL parity compliance
BFF Comments on MHPAEA Technical Release 2023 – Note that the MDRF is referenced in Appendix A of the Technical Release
2023 ISSUE BRIEF: Federal Parity Law (MHPAEA): NQTL of In-Network Reimbursement Rates: Non-Comparable Use of Factors of Provider Leverage a/k/a Bargaining Power and Workforce Shortages – An issue brief analyzing how some health insurance plans / carriers define and use the factors of provider leverage and workforce shortages non-comparably and more stringently to support lower in-network reimbursement rates for MH/SU providers as compared to M/S providers
2019 Best Practice Examples for NQTL Compliance with Regulatory Guidance Embedded – A set of examples for regulators and others, illustrating compliant design, application and comparability testing of non-quantitative treatment limitations
2018-2021 Excerpts from Issue Briefs on Parity Compliance and Behavioral Health Network Adequacy Published by National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions
2022 Model Hold Harmless Language – Sample indemnification/hold harmless clause for use by employers in their vendor contracts with third party administrators, related to parity law compliance